As a citizen like you John Gentry is the only man fighting in our courts to restore the cornerstone right of citizens to orally address government.
As a citizen like you, John Gentry is the only man with the courage, knowledge, and integrity to take stand against our corrupt judiciary.
This was regarding my campaign for Governor, but the same adherence to principles applies. The Tennessee Conservative News is an excellent resource for news on our state government. Here is a link to their site;
Before the 2024 August Primary, the Republican Party "disqualified" 14 republican candidates. That is how the GOP controls the ballot and keeps "yes men" in office. Under state statute, if party disqualified from primary, candidates cannot switch to independent. Their names cannot be on the ballot. I expect the GOP would do the same to me because I'm not a "yes man."
I am the first Tennessean since the year 1850, to exercise OUR right to remonstrate (protest unconstitutional conduct of the govt) with a Petition of Remonstrance, properly received and recorded in journals of both the House & Senate of the Tennessee General Assembly. This right is our most important right, protected in the Tennessee Constitution, Article I, Section 23. This right belongs to every Citizen and I am already working hard as a citizen to restore this right to all Tennesseans. You too can exercise this right.
Our government was formed on the concept of checks and balances, to prevent one branch from becoming too powerful. Today, there is no check of one branch over the other of our judiciary and judges in Tennessee routinely violate the right to a fair and impartial court (due process) in bias and sometimes corruption. I am working hard to restore accountability and proper judicial oversight, as provided for in our beloved Tennessee Constitution.
If you would like to support my campaign for the November 2024 general election; Campaign contributions are accepted through PayPal OR with debit or credit card. Thank you for your support.
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(615) 351-2649 Text first and I'll call you back.
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